I've been drawing the same thing over and over for work today, and decided I needed to drawing something that I've never drawn before really quick, so here's a chicken doing a backflip...
Due to the resurrection of my skateboard and the many jaw-dropping, Rodney Mullen videos on YouTube, I had to take a shot at capturing some skating action. Don't mean to post on the same day as my brother, sorry Al. I tried to get it up last night, but got distracted. I wish I could Casper slide...
Okay, I drew this one with the mouse, so it's a bit sloppy. I'd really like to draw something with big, heavy, messy brush strokes that had these guys, and a bunch of other guys, beating the crud out of each other. A comic about some sort of fighting league or something. Hrm.
We're two brothers, Almo and Danny Moore, who like to draw and such. We're just using this here "blog" to post our sketches and art, and any updates we might have about our other sites.